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Mayor:Ma Yujun
Time:2022-12-23 15:06:10


Title: Deputy Secretary of the CPC Shijiazhuang Municipal Committee, Mayor of Shijiazhuang Municipal People’s Government


Mr. Ma Yujun oversees the overall work of the municipal government.

Mr. Ma Yujun oversees Shijiazhuang Municipal Audit Bureau.

Personal Profile

Ma Yujun, male, of the Manchu nationality, born in April 1965, postgraduate, master’s degree in Science, a member of Communist Party of China, he is currently Deputy Secretary of the CPC Shijiazhuang Municipal Committee and Mayor of Shijiazhuang Municipal People’s Government.



Copy right all reserved by Shijiazhuang Municipal People's Government

Address NO.216 East ZhongShan Road,ShjJiaZhuang City HeBei Province

Postcode 050011 Ji ICP No. 06000020-1